When & Where

Monday through Thursday - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday-  9:00am - 12:00pm

Attorney Randy Schecter's Office
1870 West Granada Blvd. / Ormond Beach

Please remember to return all books to the library or bring one to one of our meetings so others can benefit! Thank you!

We have recently added some valuable materials to our Parkinson’s Resource Library:

  • Every Victory Counts Manual – 40 leading Parkinson’s specialists and many people with PD contributed to this awesome comprehensive manual that is filled with essential information and inspiration for a lifetime of wellness for people living with PD (FR: The Davis Phinney Foundation)

  • For healthcare professionals, residents, and caregiver’s in a long-term care setting: Beyond Motor Symptoms – two manuals that are comprised of vast educational materials focusing on Parkinson’s disease psychosis in a long-term care setting

  • Also for treating physicians there is Start the Conversation About PD Psychosis – ways to initiate a dialogue with patients and caregivers

  • For individuals and their families living with PD the following flyers and booklets are now available: Understanding PD Psychosis

  • Information sheet for patients and caregivers on Nuplazid (medication used to treat psychosis in PWP)

  • The booklets Do You Know About Hallucinations and Delusions Related to PD? and, “I never knew that seeing things could be part of my PD” (All FR: Acadia Pharmaceuticals)

  • Comprehensive educational materials on the injectable medication APOKYN including a patient guide folder, DVD video, and a Quick Guide to Administration (FR: US World Meds)

  • The following information on a common health challenge that PWP experience called Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension (nOH): The nOH Symptom Checker Guide, and the brochure “What’s Happening When I Stand Up?” (FR: Lundbeck).